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Simeon & Megan
Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child. We are honored to be included in your process and we are overjoyed about the possibility of expanding our family through adoption. We are both loving and devoted individuals who are committed to providing our child with a safe, loving, and nurturing home. We hope that you consider us and we look forward to the journey that lies ahead of us.
Our Favorite Vacation Spot

We have visited many mountain towns to snowboard since the very beginning of our relationship. Megan started snowboarding in high school and quickly fell in love with it. In our first year of dating she successfully converted Simeon from skiing and he hasn't put a pair of skis on since. Every year we travel to old and new snowy destinations in the U.S. and internationally. We look forward to when our child is old enough to strap into a board and start shredding down the mountain with us.
We have visited dozens of different ski/snowboard resorts across five different countries. Our favorite local U.S. mountains are those around Salt Lake City, Utah. We have visited multiple resorts in that area and plan on returning as often as we can. Our favorite international destination is Niseko in Northern Japan. While we have only been there once, the experience was unforgettable, especially since we were there the same week that we got engaged. We love to travel and explore new cities, so including a trip to any nearby mountains when we travel during snow season will always be incorporated whenever possible.
Our Leisure Time

Megan is an avid reader, sometimes getting through 3 or 4 books in a single month. She enjoys all types of yoga and has even taught some classes in the past. She'll never turn down an opportunity to explore new parts of our city with our dog, Charli, and still occasionally volunteers at the pet shelter where we adopted her.
Simeon has always enjoyed fitness and enjoys any new physical challenge. He recently began training for a half marathon, but also continues to bike and lift weights in his free time. You'll also find him on the golf course several times a month trying to perfect his golf swing solo or with friends playing a casual round.
We both have a passion for traveling and have individually and collectively visited dozens of countries. We love exploring new cities, learning about new cultures, and trying as much of the local cuisine as possible. We have traveled all over Europe and Asia and look forward to visiting South America for the first time later this year. You'll also find us trying new restaurants around Tampa Bay, at the movies, riding our bikes around St. Pete, or out on the boat several times a month. We love hosting our friends and taking our dog out on the boat exploring the different keys of Tampa Bay and doing other water sports like stand up paddle boarding and wakeboarding.
Our Cultural Heritage
Simeon's mom is from Taiwan and his father's background is European. Simeon and his family lived in Asia for about 5 years when Simeon was 1-6 years old. He and his brother attended international school in Taiwan and Thailand and spoke Chinese at home. When he is with his extended family, over 5 languages are spoken simultaneously. Spending his early childhood living in different countries and attending schools where most kids did not look like him, formed a true appreciation of his heritage and created a curiosity to learn about others.
Megan is half Japanese from her father's side and half European (English, Italian, German & Irish) from her mother's side. So like Simeon, she grew up in a culturally diverse household. Learning about and appreciating the history and heritage of both sides of the family was an important focus growing up. From Italian cooking to Japanese festivals and stories from all grandparents about their life experiences and adventures are some of Megan's favorite memories.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a spacious community in St. Petersburg, FL that is within a few blocks of one of the city's best schools and a bike path that connects us to several parks along the waters of Tampa Bay. Our neighborhood has many families with young children. You can always hear their laughter from the street and the sounds of splashing in swimming pools. Our 3 bedroom home is spacious with a large backyard perfect for hosting get togethers. Our friends and their children often come over for pool days and BBQs. Making sure our parents, who live out of state, are active in our child's life is important to us which is why we are in the process of building an additional living unit in our backyard. If you don't find us gathered in the kitchen cooking or in the backyard pool, we are likely biking or skating in and around the neighborhood. We love the convenience of everything being so close to us and couldn't be more excited to raise a family in such a family friendly area of our city.
Our Extended Families

Family is very important to us! Simeon's family lives in Louisville, KY. Megan's family lives in Los Angeles, CA. Despite being further away, we visit them and they us on a regular basis.
Simeon has one older brother who is married with two little boys. We adore our nephews and have so much fun with them. The Thanksgiving holiday is spent with Simeon's family, usually alternating between our home in Florida and up in Kentucky.

Megan has one older brother who is really looking forward to being an uncle, and a large extended family full of cousins, aunts and uncles mostly located in California. Our child will be the first grandchild on this side of the family so they are sure to be spoiled rotten! The extended Christmas holiday is spent with Megan's family in California with traditions that include PJs on Christmas Eve, watching Home Alone while wrapping gifts, baking endless amounts of cookies, etc.
We are both extremely close to our families and our child will have many opportunities to be surrounded by the love and attention from our parents and extended families. Our biological families may not live close, but we have a strong network of friends close by that we consider our Florida family.
Our four legged-child, Charli, might be the most excited to expand our family! She has an endless supply of snuggles, kisses and playtime fun ready for our child.
From Us to You

We want to express our deepest gratitude and admiration for your courage and strength in considering adoption for your child. It is with immense respect and heartfelt emotion that we write this letter to you today.
We want to assure you that the love and care you have for your child's well-being are profoundly shared by us. We, too, have been on a journey, leading us to this moment. We have tried to have a child for several years, but we are unable to conceive biological children. We believe that adoption is a gift of love and selflessness, and we promise to cherish and honor the life you have entrusted us with.
We have been together for 6 years and married for almost 4 years. We worked together at a hospital in Los Angeles and what started as a strong friendship quickly developed into a deep and loving relationship. We love our life together and we are excited to share our life with a child and expand our family. Simeon is the Associate Vice President of Operations of a growing healthcare group that is expanding into the Florida gulf coast. He enjoys connecting with his staff and providing their patients with the best care possible. Megan works in research compliance for the California Institute of Technology. Caltech kept Megan on staff allowing her to work remotely after she moved to Florida. She enjoys working with the incredible researchers who are making amazing scientific and technological discoveries every day. Our jobs allow us the opportunity to use our gifts on a daily basis and interact with people who we have the privilege to support and influence. As our family grows we plan to adjust our roles outside the home so that we are fully present to care for the needs of our young child.
We understand that choosing adoptive parents for your child is a difficult decision, and we want to assure you of our commitment to provide a loving, nurturing, and stable home. Our home is filled with laughter, warmth, and a strong support system of family and friends who are thrilled to welcome a new member into our lives. We look forward to our family participating in many of the same activities that we did as children, such as family vacations and holiday traditions.
We are also dedicated to ensuring that your child grows up in an environment that fosters learning, creativity, and curiosity. We promise to encourage their interests, provide a quality education, and celebrate their individuality. We look forward to creating traditions and making memories together, all while honoring the importance of their unique heritage.
We understand that an open adoption can be a beautiful way to ensure that your child knows their roots and heritage. We are open to exploring whatever level of openness you are comfortable with. We are happy to send email updates with pictures and stories, as well as letters with keepsakes that mark milestone's in your child's life. We are also open to making arrangements for visits when the time is right. We are eager to know you and happy to work together to maintain a healthy relationship. We believe that it is crucial for your child to understand the love and respect we have for you and the decision you made.
Thank you for considering us on this incredible journey. We genuinely believe that we are meant to be parents, and we hope that you might consider us as the loving parents for your precious child. We hope to create a loving and supportive family that your child will be proud to be a part of. Our hearts are open, and we are excited about the possibility of sharing this remarkable journey with you.
Simeon & Megan
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