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Julio & Megan

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read our profile! We have dreamt of growing our family and are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to adopt. We are loving, compassionate, patient parents, and are excited to begin the adoption journey. We have faith that the perfect match will happen when it's meant to be.

About Us

Senior Business Consultant
Membership Coordinator
Bachelor's Degree International Relations
Legally Married
North Carolina

Adoption in Our Lives

At an Art Event

Adoption is very close to our hearts. Megan was adopted, and her brother was as well. They were both adopted after Megan's parents could not conceive (or so they thought!). Megan was adopted first, and then her brother was adopted. After that, they were blessed with three other children, totaling five. Megan's parents let her and her brother know they were adopted, and it was always a part of their lives. She and her siblings are close and love each other dearly. Megan remembers having books about adoptions growing up, and believes that being adopted was one of the greatest gifts that her birth mother gave her.

It has been interesting growing up and realizing that we know quite a few other adoptees. Interestingly, many of the people that Megan has met who have been adopted work in the nonprofit sector, or in some other area where they serve and help people.

Our Leisure Time

Julio at His Art Exhibition

In our leisure time we enjoy going swimming, bike riding and having picnics at the park. Megan's parents have a pool, so we spend lots of time there in the summer. When the weather is nice we will also prepare a picnic and go to the park. When it's cold, we like to have bonfires and invite our family and friends over. We are big bookworms! There is a library that's close and our son enjoys going there to play and pick out books.

A Winter Day at the Beach

We are both artists and love to paint and go to art museums. Julio has had his artwork in various art shows, both in and out of state. Megan volunteers with a few local nonprofits that serve youth, art, and immigrants. We also love to travel and the beach is one of our favorite spots. We enjoy swimming, surfing, building sandcastles, and taking long walks on the beach.

Our Cultural Heritage

Megan at the Dia de Muertos Festival

We are both proud of our heritage and ancestry. We are both Latino. Julio's mom is from Honduras and his dad is from Mexico. He was born and raised in Georgia and North Carolina. Megan is adopted from Texas, through a closed adoption, so she doesn't know much about her birth parents, other than that she has Mexican ancestry. Megan's adoptive parents were very intentional about introducing her to her culture and the rest of her siblings as well. Her mom has Italian ancestry, and was raised in California and the South, so Megan thinks she was influenced to eat healthy, while also enjoying grits and pasta!

We have visited Mexico multiple times and love movies, music and food from Mexico. We are so lucky that Julio's family owns Mexican restaurants in the area! We also get to eat both Central American AND Mexican tamales, which is the best of both worlds. Both of us are American but speak Spanish and are teaching our 4 year old to be Bilingual as well. Kids are so smart and can pick up language easily! Our families are supportive of this and we have nieces and nephews that also are bilingual.

We think that cultural diversity is very important and we try to experience multicultural festivals and markets in our city. We have nieces and nephews who are mixed race, Caucasian, and Latino, and like the diversity of our family. We love trying different foods and think that this is a good way to get to know people from another place or people who might be different from us.


At Dinner in Pittsburgh With Family
At Dinner in Pittsburgh With Family
At the Cinecasual Film Festival
At the Cinecasual Film Festival
Julio Volunteering at Burno's School
Julio Volunteering at Burno's School
Megan With a Mural She Painted
Megan With a Mural She Painted
At the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City
At the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City
Extended Family & Friends at the Poool
Extended Family & Friends at the Poool
At the Frida Kahlo House
At the Frida Kahlo House
Fun at a Wedding
Fun at a Wedding
Visiting the Troll in Seattle
Visiting the Troll in Seattle
In San Francisco
In San Francisco
Reading With Bruno
Reading With Bruno
At Harry Potter World
At Harry Potter World
1 / 12
At Dinner in Pittsburgh With Family
At Dinner in Pittsburgh With Family
2 / 12
At the Cinecasual Film Festival
At the Cinecasual Film Festival
3 / 12
Julio Volunteering at Burno's School
Julio Volunteering at Burno's School
4 / 12
Megan With a Mural She Painted
Megan With a Mural She Painted
5 / 12
At the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City
At the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City
6 / 12
Extended Family & Friends at the Poool
Extended Family & Friends at the Poool
7 / 12
At the Frida Kahlo House
At the Frida Kahlo House
8 / 12
Fun at a Wedding
Fun at a Wedding
9 / 12
Visiting the Troll in Seattle
Visiting the Troll in Seattle
10 / 12
In San Francisco
In San Francisco
11 / 12
Reading With Bruno
Reading With Bruno
12 / 12
At Harry Potter World
At Harry Potter World

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a suburban area in North Carolina. Our neighborhood is peaceful and pretty diverse. Megan's favorite features about the neighborhood are how it has lots of trees and how it's located close to a park. We go to the park frequently and it has a nice walking trail and connects to a nearby greenway. Lots of people take walks in the evening and the neighbors are friendly and always say hello. There are kids who are elementary age and many go to the local school.

We live in a two-story yellow house with a fenced in backyard that is perfect for playing outdoors. We have 4 bedrooms, 2 of which are used as offices since we both work from home. We recently painted the interior and it's filled with lots of color. Since we love art (and paint ourselves) the house is filled with artwork. We spend lots of time in the kitchen and the living room.

Our Extended Families

With Family at an Art Exhibit

We are fortunate to live close to our families and get along well with them. Megan and Julio have many siblings and extended family in the state. Both of Megan's parents and Julio's dad and step-mom live less than 20 minutes away. Megan has immediate family in Virginia and Julio has immediate family in Georgia, so it's a quick drive to see them!

Bruno's Birthday With Family

We hang out with our nieces and nephews a bunch. Our favorite activities with them are to play board games, play outside, go to the pool, go to the park, and have movie nights as well. April is always a busy month for the family. During that month there is at least one birthday a week! It's a great time of cookouts and piñatas. Julio's side of the family loves to grill out so when there's a hangout planned, you know Rico and Oscar will be manning the grill. Our families are big and continue to grow and they encourage and look forward to bringing another child into our family.

From Us to You

First and foremost, we want to thank you for considering us as potential adoptive parents for your child. We understand that this decision is incredibly difficult and filled with many emotions. Our hearts are open to you, and we hope that through this letter, you will get a sense of who we are and the kind of life we can offer a child.

Our names are Megan and Julio, and we have been happily married for five wonderful years. Our relationship is built on a foundation of love, trust, playfulness, and mutual respect. We believe in strong family values, open communication, and creating a nurturing and supportive environment for each other. Together, we have built a life filled with laughter, love, and many cherished memories, and we are excited about expanding our family through adoption.

From the moment we met, we knew that we wanted to build a family together. We have always dreamed of being parents and creating a home filled with warmth and love. We are incredibly grateful and blessed with our son. Unfortunately, we have faced some challenges with infertility since having him. We believe that adoption is the path we are meant to take. We are committed to providing a stable, loving, and nurturing environment for your child to grow and thrive.

Family is at the core of our lives. We both come from close-knit families and have strong relationships with our parents, siblings, and extended relatives. Our families are supportive of our decision to adopt and are eager to welcome a new member into the family. Your child will be surrounded by love from grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who are all excited to create new memories together.

We live in a beautiful, family-friendly neighborhood with excellent schools, parks, and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Our home is filled with love and laughter, and we have created a safe and comfortable space where your child will feel secure and cherished. Education is important to us, and we will encourage your child to explore their interests and pursue their dreams. We are dedicated to providing the best opportunities for their growth and development.

As adoptive parents, we promise to honor and respect your role in your child's life. We believe that it is important for your child to know where they came from and to understand the love and bravery that went into your decision. We are open to maintaining an open line of communication with you through letters and pictures if you wish. We want to ensure that your child feels connected to their roots and understands the special bond they share with you.

We understand that this decision is one of the most difficult you will ever make, and we are in awe of your strength and courage. We want you to know that if you choose us, your child will be raised in a loving and supportive environment, where they will be encouraged to be themselves and to follow their dreams. We will provide them with the tools they need to succeed in life and to become a kind, compassionate, and confident individual.

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and for considering us as potential parents. We are deeply grateful for this opportunity and hope that through our words, you can feel the love and commitment we have to offer. We would be honored to be a part of your child's life and to provide them with a lifetime of love, support, and happiness.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Julio & Megan


Tom Hanks
Ryan Gosling, Keanu Reeves, Denzel Washington
Charlize Theron
Sigourney Weaver, Sandra Bullock
Kurt Vonnegut
JK Rowling, Tomi Adeyemi
Welcome to the Monkeyhouse
Harry Potter, Like Water for Chocolate
Candy Bar
Batman, Ren and Stimpy, Pink Panther
Spirited Away
Childhood Memory
Riding bikes through the woods, playing hide and go seek with the neighborhood kids
Playing outside with my siblings
Childhood Toy
My stuffed bunny, Bunny Boo
Children's Book
Catkin, Catwings
Barcelona, Spain. Montreal, Canada
Oaxaca, Mexico. Santa Fe, NM.
Classic Movie
The Princess Bride
Day of Week
Dark chocolate, cheesecake
Disney Movie
Aladdin, Coco, Ratatouille
Dream Car
Porsche convertible
Mini cooper
Dream Job
Marine biologist
Dream Vacation
Roadtrip through South America
Family Activity
Playing boardgames/cards
Cooking together
Flower / Plant
Tacos, sushi
Pasta, tacos
Form of Exercise
Weights, cardio
Walking, yoga
Mango, watermelon
Mangos, peaches
Sequence, battleship
Halloween, Valentine's Day
Holiday Song
Domenic the donkey
Little Saint Nick (Beach Boys), This is Halloween
Holiday Tradition
Christmas stockings
Advent calendar for Christmas, decorating Christmas tree together
Ice Cream
Phish Food
Junk Food
Doritos cool ranch
Leisure Activity
Floating in the pool
Chilling at the pool
Real Simple
Memory with a Child
Playing soccer with my son
Taking my son to the ocean for the 1st time, painting outside with my niece
Memory with Spouse
Leading her up to the spot I proposed to her in Spain
Bike riding at night, traveling in Thailand during our honeymoon
Alien, Mean Girls
Movie Munchie
Raisinets with popcorn
Movie Quote
Come with me if you want to live
Movie Type
Scary movies
Book of Mormon
Musical Group
Smashing Pumpkins
Dua Lipa, Nirvana
Nursery Rhyme
This Old Man
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
My dad
Dolores Huerta
12 angry men
Charles Bukowski, Pablo Neruda
Quality about my Spouse
Her kind heart
His humor
How you do one thing is how you do all things
Be like water - Bruce Lee
Turkey, bacon, avocado
Italian sub
Shopping Store
Winds of change - Scorpions
You Send Me - Sam Cooke, Moon River- Frank Ocean
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Track and field
Sports Star
Mike Tyson
Serena Williams
Sports Team
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Zuppa Tuscana recipe from Olive Garden
Time of Day
Going out for ice cream on the weekends during summer
TV Show
How it's made
Law and Order SVU, Living Single, Golden Girls
TV Show Character
John Wick
Olivia Benson, Maxine Shaw
Type of Music
Anything but country
Anything I can dance to!
Vacation Spot
The beach
Video Game
Super Mario Bro.

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